A huge thank you to Charterhouse!
7th March 2019
Charterhouse students put on a delicious feast for friends and family to raise money for FATE. MORE

Charterhouse students recently held a dinner event to raise money for FATE. As young people who themselves have access to a great quality of education, they wanted to get behind a great cause that offered the same opportunity to others. They prepared a delicious meal for friends and family who were then invited to make a donation to FATE. It's not the first time the fantastic students of Charterhouse have held this type of event and we're incredibly grateful to all of them, the staff at Charterhouse, and the friends and family who have so generously helped give underprivileged children in Kenya the ability to make a better life for themselves. Thank you all.
Raising money for FATE is easy with
15th September 2013
Have you heard of It's a great tool that allows you to raise money for your favourite charity while shopping online without you having to contribute anything extra! MORE
easyfundraising works in a similar way to many other loyalty shopping sites, but instead of earning points when you shop, you raise a donation for your cause instead. It's as simple as that!
You can shop with over 2,000 well known stores and each will donate up to 15% of what you spend. For example, John Lewis will donate 1%, Amazon 1.5%, The Body Shop 6%, some insurance retailers will even donate up to £30 simply for taking out a policy with them!
Simply go to and download the toolbar.
During the installation process, you can select FATE as the charity you wish to suppot. The handy toolbar sits on your internet browser and will let you know when you're shopping if the site is registered with easyfundraising.
It has to be the easiest way to raise money and, with Christmas just around the corner, it's the perfect excuse to get shopping!
FATE is 3!
6th August 2011
Three years ago today, Sarah Noor and Sarah Nutbrown received the critical letter from the Charity Commission confirming that Fund for Action Through Education (FATE) was an officially registered charity in England and Wales – and so FATE was officially born.MORE
Three years on, FATE is still going strong and Sarah Rayner has now joined the team as the third trustee – three really is the magic number for FATE this year! The charity has grown so much, trebling the number of children we support and trebling the funds we raise and use to make a difference.
The children being supported are all doing really well at school and we had our first three start secondary school this year – a new challenge for the children and a very exciting time for FATE. During the last three years, our sponsored children have achieved some great things – Joyce has won first prize for her solo performance at a national music competition three times, Rama, Omar and Mohammed have played football for their school and Eunita has been the top of her class numerous times. The children have become more mature, more confident, and achieved much better results than they were at public schools, showing the FATE team that what they are doing is really working.
The first three years have certainly been good and FATE is looking forward to watching the children it supports as they grow into young adults and begin to make their own way in the world over the next three years and beyond!
You can help FATE celebrate its third birthday by donating £3 to help improve the lives of underprivileged children in developing countries. It’s simple – either text ‘FATE11 £3’ to 70070 (your donation will be added to your mobile bill) or donate through visit the Virgin Giving Money website, please CLICK HERE. Every amount, however small, really makes a difference. 100% of your donation goes to the children and the families we support. Thank you for your support!
FATE hits the WWW!
1st August 2011
The World Wide Web that is ...!
We are delighted to announce the launch of our brand new website, we hope you like it. The site has been designed to enable visitors to learn about what the Charity aims to do, what has already been achieved and how they can help quickly and easily. We love the bright fresh feel of the site and enjoy being able to share so many of photos of the children we are supporting as well as their letters and stories.MORE
We want to make supporting FATE as easy and simple as possible so this new website offers a variety of means by which to do that. We hope that you like the site as much as we do but if you have any feedback or suggestions for us please don’t hesitate to let us know. You can email us HERE.